June 28, 2010

Execute multiple SELECT statements using a SqlCommand object and read the results using a SqlDataReader object

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

class ExecuteSelect
public static void Main()
SqlConnection mySqlConnection =new SqlConnection("server=(local)\\SQLEXPRESS;database=MyDatabase; Integrated Security=SSPI;");

SqlCommand mySqlCommand = mySqlConnection.CreateCommand();

mySqlCommand.CommandText =
"SELECT TOP 5 ProductID, ProductName " +
"FROM Products " +
"ORDER BY ProductID;" +
"SELECT TOP 3 CustomerID, CompanyName " +
"FROM Customers " +
"ORDER BY CustomerID;" +
"SELECT TOP 6 OrderID, CustomerID " +
"FROM Orders " +
"ORDER BY OrderID;";


SqlDataReader mySqlDataReader = mySqlCommand.ExecuteReader();

while (mySqlDataReader.Read())
Console.WriteLine("mySqlDataReader[0] = " + mySqlDataReader[0]);
Console.WriteLine("mySqlDataReader[1] = " + mySqlDataReader[1]);
} while (mySqlDataReader.NextResult());


1 comment:

Unknown said...

hi vikram, while using combobox and datagrid view I'm trying to select an item from combobox which is column name of database and display whole datatable on datagrid, this column is is not a primary key, can you suggest me how this works....